Welcome Email Support

Oops! That didn't work as expected. Sorry about that.
There are a couple of reasons you could be viewing this webpage.

You clicked a link in your Welcome email but you’re not using your phone
Please view your Welcome email on your phone or tablet and follow the instructions to download the Mood Meter app and get started.

You have the Mood Meter app installed and clicked the Confirm Email link in the Welcome email on your phone
Sorry! Sometimes the link doesn’t work, which takes you to this page. You can still log in - it’s easy.
All you need to do is...
  1. Open the Mood Meter app that you installed
  2. Enter the Temporary Password provided in the Welcome email (see below). You may find it easiest to copy it from the Welcome email and paste it into the Mood Meter app.

Your Temporary Password is: g1cq40

Any questions? Email support@moodmeterapp.com and we’ll get you back on track.

Your user name is {username}.